
Fyzical Therapy and Balance Center

What is Fyzical Therapy and Balance Center?

Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centers are not typical physical therapy clinics. Their main concern is to improve your quality of life by using a holistic, whole-body approach that connects your diagnosis with a customized plan of care.

Fyzical cares for all ages and can treat a variety of muscle, joint, and neurological conditions using the most relevant therapeutic techniques and state-of-the-art technology.

They believe that communication is a key component for successful and efficient recovery which is why they will communicate with you every step of the way. Fyzical’s therapists will make sure that you understand why you are experiencing symptoms, why they recommend a certain treatment, and how to prevent pain and dysfunction in the future.

What Is Fyzical’s Diagnostic Approach?

Fyzical knows that your pain is unique to you and they understand how painfully frustrating it can be to deal with chronic pain, vertigo, or other sensitive issues. That’s why Fyzical offers a free consultation program and will listen to your concerns in order to create the best plan for you. They do this by using an evaluation program they call BODYQ to get to the root of the issue and to detect any future problems that may occur.

What Physical Therapy Services Does Fyzical Offer?

Fyzical’s therapists are well equipped and trained to deal with all kinds of different symptoms including:

  • Dizziness
  • Balance
  • Orthopedic
  • Neurologic
  • Fitness and Wellness
  • Pelvic Health
Schedule An Appointment And Get Moving Again Today!